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Mark Newby

Loft Pictures Kokomo, Indiana; Fife Lake, Michigan; Grawn, Michigan

The first few pictures are at Mark Newby’s loft. The first picture is Mark with a picture of his Hartford NPA Champion of that national 2003 with Champion White OC 1130-01. I believe Bill Davis was the judge that year. The other 5 pictures are in Mark’s loft if you notice a Red OC in a picture that is another NPA champ that was on the cover of Pure Bred Pigeon magazine

Next would be pictures at Nick & Steve Hensler’s house in Grawn Mi!! Nick and Steve let Mark and I stay at their house while we were in Michigan!!

The rest of the pictures were at The Abeare Bird Ranch in Fife Lake Michigan. A picture of Mike and his twin sons ( future NRTC) members, and in one of the pictures with us is Kurt Gollan also from Fife Lake Mi down the road from Mike’s house. I forgot to mention that Steve Hensler was a Russian Tumbler breeder, also Kurt is a long time NRTC member and in the fall he will be relocating to Jacksonville Fla where he currently spends his winter months, getting away from the cold north. Mark and I had an enjoyable time on our trip and Nick & Steve , plus Mike & Ashley treated us to outstanding hospitality. I did forget Mike’s daughter Luella, she is really in charge of Abeare Bird Ranch.

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